About Iolite

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Keep reading to discover more about Iolite

  • Mineralogy and geology*
  • Metaphysical, Spiritual and Healing** Properties***
  • Common Associations


Mineralogy and Geology of Iolite


Iolite is the name given to gem-grade, violet-blue cordierite.


Mineral formula: (Mg,Fe)2Al3(AlSi5O18)


Crystal system: Orthorhombic


Crystal habit: Short prismatic; granular to compact; or massive.


Cleavage: Good


Fracture:  Uneven, conchoidal


Color: Shades of violet-blue, sometimes grey-ish


Luster: Vitreous


Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent


Moh’s scale hardness: 7 – 7 ½


Streak: White


Specific gravity: 2.6 – 2.66


Named after:  the Greek word for “violet,” sometimes it is called “water sapphire”


Geological occurrence: Most gem material occurs as water-worn pebbles. Apart from alluvial, occurs in a variety of environments, including altered aluminous and igneous rocks.


Spiritual, Metaphysical and Healing Properties


Crystal energy experts say iolite is one of the major stones for use in third-eye and crown chakras for healing, during guided meditations, and during astral travel. Iolite also helps to balance yin-yang energies  and to release discord from one’s life. It supports enjoyment of the present moment and access to inner knowledge.


Common Associations

  • Chakra – the third-eye and crown
  • Numerology – vibrates to the number 7.
  • Zodiac – Libra, Sagittarius and Taurus
  • Birthstone – iolite is an alternative birthstone for September
  • Wedding Anniversary – 21st


* Mineralogical information is from mindat.org

** Always consult with your medical professional for any physical or long-term healing issues.

*** Metaphysical properties come from: 

Love Is in the Earth (1995) Melody, Earth-Love Publishing House, 726 pp.

The Crystal Bible, A Definitive Guide to Crystals (2003) Judy Hall, Walking Stick Press, 399 pp.

Crystal Muse (2017) Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro, Hay House, 285 pp.

Crystal Gridwork (2018) Kiera Fogg, Weiser Books, 128 pp.